- 专业评论(英文版)
- 案例研究
这是我们以往项目的案例研究,若您想对我们了解更多,请发邮件至info@psuchina.com 详询。
Company makes heavy losses after ceding control
“Western management tend to trust local staff too quickly”
Company threatened by supplier's hired gangsters
“We know where you and your family live”
Adding value through open-source intelligence
“All the information is out there, but you need to find it - it's like a giant jigsaw puzzle”
Are you paying too much for your purchases?
“It's quite common for procurement departments to develop behaviour that benefits themselves over time”
Do allow yourself to be cheated?
“In China, you should never relax even if you think you have a good supply chain.”
Check a person's background
- before it's too late
“When hiring a key employee in a management or financial position, or in sourcing and purchasing, it's very important to do a background screening.”
Watch out! A 'fake' product could be your original
“We have seen many examples of SMEs becoming successful in China, then having their IP rights infringed.”
Act preventatively to minimise risk
“Preventative arrangements is to minimise risks, both for the individuals and the operations.”
- 御安行周报